Adam Strange
Adam Strange is a Canadian artist whose work will shock and delight you! Adam’s artistic influence is the Dada/Surrealist spirit and its methods. He works with computer software and montage at the intersection of twentieth-century approaches to analogue painting, collage, and film, with twenty-first-century digital tools and resources to create contemporary artifacts. Adam’s method includes recontextualizing found photographs and digital assets, sutured with the juxtaposition of internal realities, chance, and accident, to reveal global expressions and sensibilities. Adam creates his art for your pleasure or desolation, seeking the essentia, reflecting the undercurrent, offering respite from the illogics of the outside world, all to tickle your fancy in the disturbed.
Artist’s Statement
Adam Strange continues his observations on The Essentia. This collection of artifacts expounds how corruption breeds rot and decay of identity and the physical body. Capitalism, war crimes, post-truth, disease, and greed transfigure the subjects shown. The unconstrained degeneracy of society leads us to the ruination of the planet for profit. Human putrescence can manifest in small intangible ways such as internet memes and government laws, or as collective trauma of groups and societies resulting in violence, death, or extinction. Concentrated observation upon the artwork brings into focus the sickening nature of humanity festering within our society, consuming life like maggots on death. The view opens us to the profane and the decrepit monuments we will leave behind.
These are montages of realism. By turns, demanding, fearful, and disorienting. They are fit representations of the times we live in.