Exhibition Marketing Checklist
Looking to maximize the success of your future exhibition? Whether you're creating your own art show or working with a gallery, this checklist is your guide to covering all aspects of your show for maximum success, sales, and outreach.
Marketing is a crucial aspect of any successful exhibition. This checklist will help you plan your promotional efforts effectively, ensuring that you generate excitement and interest in your upcoming show. Whether you already have an exhibition scheduled or are preparing for one in the future, this checklist will guide you in creating a comprehensive marketing plan.
Sign up and get our free guide for marketing your show today!
6 Essential Tips for Emerging Artists Before Submitting Their Work
Want to boost your submission success rate? You're in the right place. With over a decade of experience curating magazines, exhibitions, and more, we've distilled the best tips for artists aiming to secure more yeses!
Inside this free PDF, you'll learn:
Tips for capturing high-quality images of your artwork.
Guidelines for crafting compelling submission packages.
Strategies for effectively engaging with jurors and the art community.