Charlotte Wensley
Charlotte’s abstract paintings unfold through curiosity, inquiry, and a liminal approach to her mixed media work. Collage, printmaking, painting, and drawing are integral parts of her working process, and each painting is a unique fusion of different materials and techniques. There are no pre-determined outcomes for what a finished piece might look like; instead, she balances the accidental and the unexpected with decision-making and response, drawing on her knowledge and understanding of shape, color, and technique to resolve each piece. Her creative practice is driven by a desire to capture moments of chance encounter with emerging visual elements and materials.
Charlotte is a regular exhibitor in Australia and is currently represented by Red Hill Gallery in Brisbane. Her work has been recognized through awards and selection in art prize finalists’ exhibitions at local, regional, and international galleries. Her work is held in both public and private collections in Australia and overseas. She holds a BA(Hons) in Fine Art & Design Technology from the University of Leeds (UK) and a Postgraduate Certificate of Education in Art & Design.