Infusing Art into Business, Fitness, and Leadership with Heart – A Conversation with Antonio DeAscanis of BlkOps Fitness

In a world where many of us feel pressure to follow conventional paths, it’s inspiring to meet someone who has embraced their uniqueness and turned it into a business and community. Antonio DeAscanis, founder of BlkOps Fitness, is one of those people. In a recent episode of Art & Cocktails, Antonio shared his journey, highlighting how he blended his love of fitness, creativity, and leadership into a unique business that defies expectations.

From Marine Corps to Creative Entrepreneur

Antonio’s path wasn’t straightforward, and it’s part of what makes his story so compelling. A former Marine, Antonio drew on his military background and life experiences to build something that reflects who he is at his core.

This desire to create something magical was the foundation for BlkOps Fitness. But Antonio’s journey didn’t stop there. His time in the Marine Corps taught him valuable lessons about leadership, self-discipline, and resilience. However, it was his love for creativity that truly inspired him to build a gym that felt more like an artistic space, where people could not only work out but also experience something unique and inspiring.

Infusing Art into Business

BlkOps Fitness isn’t just about fitness—it’s about creating a space that feels different from any other gym. Walking into BlkOps is like stepping into an art installation. From the neon lights to the graffiti murals, Antonio has made sure that his gym feels both personal and creative. As he explains:

“For me, everything was kind of, it was pre-planned and it was based off of the experiences. You know, I know I wanted to have a harder, grungier look. And I also was researching the industry and seeing what I liked and what I didn’t like. Where were their openings for something new and unique?”

Antonio’s ability to blend art into his business is an important lesson for artists and entrepreneurs alike: your business can and should reflect your creativity. Antonio’s vision goes beyond the traditional gym aesthetic, instead, he brings his love for DJing, music, and art into his space, creating a one-of-a-kind environment for his community.

Leading with Heart

At the core of BlkOps Fitness is Antonio’s dedication to building a supportive and inclusive community. He’s cultivated a space where people from all walks of life feel welcome, and it’s no accident. He leads with heart and believes in treating people with kindness and respect:

“Just how I was raised, and you know, I’ve tried to be kind to everyone I’ve ever met in this world. And I think I can hang my hat on that at the end, treating others kindly.”

For Antonio, leadership is about authenticity, empathy, and creating a culture that’s compassionate and respectful. Whether it’s mentoring his staff or connecting with gym members, his approach has made BlkOps Fitness a place where people not only work on their physical health but feel supported in their personal growth.

Advice for Artists and Entrepreneurs

Throughout the episode, Antonio offered valuable insights for artists and entrepreneurs, particularly those who feel like they don’t fit into traditional spaces:

  1. Embrace Your Uniqueness: Antonio encourages everyone to lean into what makes them different. “If you're stepping into this to do your thing, then you need to do your thing, you know, you need to win or fail on it. There’s going to be time for evolution down the road. Don’t stay stagnant, but you need to do it your way.”

  2. Persevere Through Challenges: Building BlkOps Fitness wasn’t easy, and Antonio faced several setbacks along the way. But his message is clear: “It’s not going to happen all in one day. For me, it was just perseverance, trying it one way, and then trying it again.”

  3. Lead with Heart: Antonio’s success is rooted in his heart-centered leadership. He treats people with kindness and respect, and that’s what has made his business thrive. “When you get screwed, that’s their legacy, not yours. You have to keep pushing forward.”

  4. Be True to Your Vision: Antonio advises against following a cookie-cutter approach to business, particularly in creative industries. “That’s the whole point of doing don’t want to fail someone else’s way.”

The Future of BlkOps Fitness

As BlkOps Fitness enters its 10th year, Antonio remains committed to honing the product and experience within the gym. His focus is on fostering community and improving the overall energy of the space:

What makes BlkOps Fitness stand out is that it’s not just a gym—it’s a creative, vibrant space where art, fitness, and community converge. And while Antonio remains humble about the future of the business, one thing is clear: his heart-led approach is inspiring others to embrace their own uniqueness, whether in art, business, or life.

Final Thoughts

Antonio’s journey is a powerful reminder that success doesn’t come from fitting in, but from standing out. Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or fitness enthusiast, Antonio’s story offers a roadmap for building something truly unique by staying true to your passions, leading with heart, and never giving up.

To hear more of Antonio’s incredible story, check out the full episode on Art & Cocktails.


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