Transforming Your Reality: Science and Manifestation with Reese Evans of Yes Supply

By Ekaterina Popova

As artists and creatives, the journey from struggle to success is often filled with challenges that can seem insurmountable. Whether it’s financial pressures, self-doubt, or the unpredictability of the art world, many of us have wondered how to break through and achieve the dreams that sometimes feel just out of reach.

In a recent episode of Art & Cocktails, I had the incredible opportunity to sit down with Reese Evans, an abundance and manifestation coach, and the founder of the Yes Supply Method, to discuss how she transformed her own life and how you can do the same.


From Retail to 7-Figure Success: Reese’s Transformative Journey

Reese Evans’ story is nothing short of inspiring. Growing up in an abusive household and later working in retail, she faced significant hardships. Like many of us, she dreamed of a better life, but those dreams seemed distant, almost impossible. However, instead of allowing her circumstances to dictate her future, Reese chose to say “yes” to herself and her potential. Through her journey, she not only changed her own life but has empowered countless others to rewrite their stories and achieve their own dreams through the Yes Supply Method.

In this podcast episode, Reese shares the pivotal moments that led her from a place of struggle to becoming a 7-figure business owner. She discusses the mindset shifts that were essential to her transformation and offers practical tips grounded in research and science for how artists and creatives can create a new reality.

Mindset and Manifestation: The Keys to Artistic Success

One of the central themes of our conversation with Reese was the power of mindset. As artists, we often face rejection, criticism, and financial instability, which can easily lead to feelings of doubt and limitation. However, Reese emphasizes that our external reality is a reflection of our internal beliefs and thoughts. By reprogramming our subconscious mind and adopting a mindset of abundance, we can begin to see opportunities where others see obstacles and create a life that aligns with our deepest desires.

But mindset alone isn’t enough—action is key. Reese shares how taking consistent, aligned actions was crucial in bringing her vision to life. For artists, this means not just creating in the studio but actively engaging in the business side of art, networking, and seizing opportunities.

Key Takeaways from the Episode

Here are some of the most powerful insights Reese shared in our conversation, which can help you start transforming your artistic journey today:

  1. Reframe Your Mindset: Start each day by affirming your worth and potential. Replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones, and visualize your success as if it’s already happening.

  2. Take Consistent Action: Break down your big goals into manageable steps. Whether it’s reaching out to a gallery, launching a new series, or engaging more with your audience—commit to taking small actions every day.

  3. Embrace Rejection as Redirection: Understand that every “no” is one step closer to a “yes.” Use rejection as an opportunity to refine your approach and grow.

  4. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Curate your environment—both physical and digital—to support your growth. Follow inspiring artists, engage with supportive communities, and distance yourself from negativity.

  5. Invest in Your Growth: Consider joining courses or workshops that align with your goals. Whether it’s learning new techniques, understanding the business side of art, or working on your mindset, invest in yourself.

Tune in to Transform Your Reality

If you’re ready to take your creative journey to the next level, this episode of Art & Cocktails with Reese Evans is a must-listen. Whether you’re just starting out or have been on this path for years, Reese’s insights on mindset, manifestation, and taking action are invaluable.

You can learn more about Reese’s work and join her upcoming free masterclasses and courses through the links provided in the episode. It’s time to say “yes” to your dreams and start creating the life you’ve always wanted.

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