Sommer Roman
Sommer Roman creates work to draw us back to our wild selves. She works with mundane materials: post-consumer clothing, nature items, domestic building materials, and plant and human imagery. Through intuitive processes, the materials are broken down and manipulated in myriad ways. In this process of deconstruction-reconstruction, hierarchies are conflated, disconnectedness is dismantled, and the results are curious hybrids of plant, animal, and human existing in an interdependent, sensuous, and playful orbit. Through evocative color, organic forms, materiality, and the universal circular form, Roman’s work invites viewers back to the realm of interconnectedness, play, the wild feminine, and the body as potent sites of wisdom, innate wildness, and aliveness. Her work holds links to historical and contemporary movements within craft, feminism, and surrealism.
Sommer Roman was born and raised in California and has lived in France and on both the East and West Coasts of the United States. She received her BA from UC Santa Cruz in 2004 and her MFA from UC Santa Barbara in 2014. She currently lives on the Central Coast of California with her two children and teaches art at local universities.
Recent projects include: Living Matter, a group exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia; Conceptual Stitch, a group exhibition in Concord, Massachusetts; Dirty Laundry, a group exhibition at the SLO Museum of Art; Nobles Among Us, a solo exhibition at the Miossi Gallery at Cuesta College, CA; and Portals, a solo exhibition at the Architectural Foundation, Santa Barbara.